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A Brief Look at the Keto Diet.

The main aim of the ketogenic diet is to put your body into a state known as ketosis. Ketosis is a normal process that happens when your body doesn't have enough carbohydrates to burn for energy. Instead, your body instructs the liver to use fat reserves to make a substance called ketones, these acidic chemicals can be used by your body as a fresh fuel source and it replaces the glucose that your body usually uses.  As human bodies and their metabolism are not uniform, it can take between 2-5 days of lower carbohydrate consumption to 'switch on' ketosis.

The Keto Diet reduces your weight quite quickly.

Most people are not able to stay long term in ketosis because of a limited dietary choice, a dwindling amount of usable fat and often not there are annoying side effects that accompany ketosis. The two major complaints on the Keto Diet are insomnia and digestive issues. Both constipation and diarrhoea occur when you switch this style of diet
Some people also complain of short term flu or brain fog as their brain adapts to using a new primary fuel. Some studies show that the use of ketones as the brain fuel can aid both clarity and brain performance for many who undertake the Keto Diet.

Alongside regular exercise, the Keto works well at improving your physique.


Regardless of attaining ketosis or not, the ketogenic diet is like every other diet when calories and protein are matched. It can make you lose weight if you eat low enough calories and it can make you gain weight if you eat too many. The Keto diet will show marked results to your body as both excess fluid and stored carbohydrates will quickly be consumed. The suppression of your appetite often comes naturally as the fats, proteins, and vegetables that you consume will often make you feel much fuller than on a regular eating pattern.

Many of the diet experience initial bad breath as the ketones waste material is sometimes expelled through the airways. Many of the diets naturally brush their teeth more often or consume sugar-free gum to combat any bad odours or tastes they may have.

Ketogenic Diets encourage the eating of fish, meat, dairy, eggs, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds.
Whilst shunning the likes of bread, flour, pasta, rice, potatoes, and sugars.

Before starting a Keto Diet, it is always best to ask your doctor whether it is safe for you as an individual to do so. If you reduce your levels of fat safely and healthily will avoid any long-term health complaints.

Related External Links or Videos.

Was the Viking Diet an Early Form of Keto?


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